Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pre-Op May 5th & Surgery May 20th

Sorry for the  last post, but i haven't had my sugery yet. This monda4, May 5th i have the pre-operation appointment. At this appointment I will likely get an MRI done and also solidify the plans for the surgery. I am hoping to have my surgery done early on Tuesday morning, May 20th, so I can rest and recover a full day in the hospital. I am pretty ready to have my pre-op appointment. I want to know the extent of my surgery and how I will feel in the aftermath. Although  I had some bad luck in the past, I think this surgery will be the most extensive one. I am just ready for school to be done. It's stressful trying to not think about the surgery and focus on school. I get excited I only have two weeks left this semestr, but then I remember while evdryone else is working or playing in the sun, I will be on the couch barely moving :( But for now there isn't much more information I have, but I'll follow-up on Monday after my appointment! Wish me luck!

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